YIN Corporate Services Pte Ltd is a corporate services company started in 1998. It is supported by a team of corporate secretarial and bookkeeping personnel to serve and enhance the businesses of our clients. Owing to a strategic restructuring of the affiliates, the company took over the range of services from YMS Associates Pte ltd, which was established in 1982.
Company Secretarial Services
- maintenance of the company's statutory registers, minute book and other statutory records
- filing of statutory returns of the company with the legislative authorities, wherever required
- custody and control of the Common Seal
- custody and maintenance of the Minutes of the Directors and Shareholders
- preparation of and attendance to routine matters covering changes in the Board of Directors and particulars of directors, secretary, shareholders, bank signatories, registered address etc
- advice on various corporate and statutory requirements in relation to the aforesaid matters
- assistance in incorporation of foreign companies
- maintenance of secretarial records of foreign companies in tax haven countries
Accounting Services
The option to outsource finance and accounting operations continue to improve cost efficiency for many companies. Our accounting / bookkeeping services may be done on a monthly or periodic basis to help businesses to achieve this cost saving.
The Company also provides clients with temporary management accountants when the need arises during staff change over period.
We also assist clients in the computation and submission of Goods & Services Tax (GST) Returns to the tax authorities.
Payroll Services
Many companies outsource this function to reduce cost. Our payroll services include preparation of monthly payroll schedules, CPF submission, preparation of IR8A forms and banking in staff's payroll cheques on behalf of our clients.